Saturday, April 30, 2011

My Life Savers

These 3 people (along with all of you) saved my life. Liz, my amazing nurse navigator, has become a dear, dear friend. She is so incredibly beautiful inside and out. She walked me through the hard stuff and eased my anxiety in ways no one else could. If I had to get cancer to meet her then I am glad I did. Dr. DiCarlo, my oncologist, is pure genius. He is eloquent, funny, positive, and so incredibly smart - he is truly amazing (this is why I call him Dr. Amazing). He has an awesome family too (just met his wife and son today and fell in love with them). I get to see Dr. Amazing as long as I live here and he keeps practicing here..... sorry Dr. D you are stuck with me :) Dr. Rocco is my surgeon but oh so much more than that. Her knowledge was one thing but how she immediately cared for our whole family was what sold us on her. I call her Dr. Wonderful because that is how I feel after seeing her. She too has become a good friend and I am happy I get to see her on a regular basis now too.

These 3 shining stars are so bright I find it hard to see when they are around (if you look carefully you can see their halos). We all happened to be at the Relay for Life event today and they all walked the survivor lap with me, John and the kids. What an amazing feeling - being surrounded by such angels. It must be hard doing such a good job for God but these 3 make it look easy.

Life moves on and there will be other patients who need your miracles. You three will ALWAYS be in my prayers. I will always be grateful - you gave up so much of your life so I could have mine. Thank you for being such incredible examples of what humans should be like. I love you all.


Crash said...

I had no idea you were doing that today! How wonderful. I, too, thank the Lord for these wonderful people!

Sally said...

What a great testament to those amazing people. I'm so thankful they took such good care of you.

It's been a long time since you've posted a picture of yourself - CHECK OUT THAT HAIR!!!! You look AMAZING! I LOVE it!!!!

Serena said...

Kristin, you too are a bright, shining example of what a human should be like. Your grace of spirit, and your genuine gratitude is truly just as bright a light as your three angels. Bless you!

Theres just life said...

It's been a long rough journey, but you made it. I am so glad you had such wonderful people to help along the way.

Pamela Jo