Thursday, May 26, 2011


I have been extremely busy lately and sleeping very little. I have a quicker heart beat these days and my stress level has increased by 400% - but it is all good. I can reveal what I have been up to in a little over a week so stay tuned. In the midst of all of this I have really come to appreciate physical labor. Physically working on something that requires very little brain power and mostly brawn is very satisfying. Your muscles ache and you feel like you "did" something. Most of the time you can see your progress and appreciate the final result quickly. I have been asking my kids to participate in this labor and it took me back to my own childhood. I would complain about pulling weeds or washing cars or mowing the lawn but really I enjoyed it. Who doesn't enjoy pounding a nail now and then? I think I need to ask them to do these things more often so they can see what they are capable of. I want them to know that working hard and pushing yourself has great rewards. In this age of TV, video games and cell phones it is easy to forget the joys of working together and mastering a skill. I am off to my next challenge today - June 14th (my one year anniversary of being cancer free) is quickly approaching and I want to give you my big announcement by then!

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