Thursday, September 2, 2010

Chapter coming to a close

I wish I could express the joy I am feeling knowing that tomorrow will be my last step in this process. I am hoping the recovery is quick so I can get on with sharing everything I have learned in the last 8 months with all of you and many more along the way. It may sound strange but I would not trade any of this in. It has helped me grow exponentially. It has increased my faith ten fold (and I never thought my faith could). It has helped me to love deeper and trust stronger. The beauty it took away on the outside was brought to the inside. I hope I continue to grow and learn - but more importantly I hope to give and to share. I have not walked in your shoes, but I hope through this blog you have walked a bit in mine, and I hope you feel grace.


Mommy Kerin said...

I'm glad you are being so positive and taking it all as a learning experience! God Bless

Theres just life said...

I am so happy for you. I know I have said it before, but thank you for sharing. You have been an inspiration. I have not had cancer, but do have a heart condition that I have been struggling with for years. With out health insurance, I have trouble getting the test that I need. But when I read what you are going through and see your positive outlook it helps me keep going.
Once again thank you.

Sally said...

So... Second Act? New blog title? The hiccup is gone!!! This feels almost like more of a new beginning than an ending... I'm so happy and so excited for you to really focus on the future and not just getting through the days as they come. Not that you ever "just got through" - you know what I mean. :-) LOVE YOU! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow!!!