Sunday, November 23, 2008


Today Julia and I went to the Downey Assistance league brunch with Adele and Alex. We attended this brunch a couple of years ago when Julia was 6. She was extremely lucky and won 2 decorated Christmas trees with $200 on them. She said at the time that she wanted to win this particular set of 2 trees so she could share one with her brother. She also said she prayed before she won them. This year she prayed and prayed and prayed and unfortunately did not win a tree. I could see in her sweet face the disappointment and the tears began to fall. On the way home I explained that maybe God had a different plan the trees. Maybe they were meant for a sick child or an elderly person who did not have the strength to decorate a tree this year. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw the sparkle return to her sweet face. I knew she understood that God sometimes has bigger plans that we are unaware of but we are always in his heart.


trulyjulie said...

i love that story!!!!!

joy said...

how very sweet. i remember when she won those trees and how excited she was. what a sweet way to learn an important lesson. miss you!