Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Every once in a while I throw caution to the wind and say "ta heck with watching what I eat! I work hard - I can afford to live a little".  And that is when it happens.  I loose all self control and head to the nearest fast food restaurant as fast as I can.  Don't get me wrong - I love good healthy food too but there is something about a greasy burger that just hits the spot sometimes.  And oh did it hit the spot today......all $6 of it.  Yes, I had a $6 guacamole bacon cheese burger from Carl's Jr.  I savored every bite and licked my fingers to boot.  I couldn't believe I hadn't experienced this phenomenon before.  It was like heaven wrapped up in white wax paper - mmmmmmmm.  Of course it did not last long.... it wasn't but a few hours later when I was teaching jam class that the burger decided to become a brick in my belly.  So tomorrow I will work a little harder in pilates and maybe try and eat light.  For the moment though it was bliss and so worth it.  

Now if I could only look like Paris while eating it - that would be a feat!


joy said...

ha ha--for a split second, i was wondering how you took a self-portrait! i love a good burger, too. janell said yesterday that the burger sounded gross and i quickly corrected her and said carl's has good burgers. have you ever tried their breakfast burger? it's so good.

Kristin said...

This is a whole new experience for me Joy! I have had their milk shakes which are to die for..... especially their captain crunch. I will have to try the breakfast burger sometime.....when I work this one off.

Kim Safina said...

The Journey Continues ~

Loved the blog information!!!

Planning a trip to Carl's Jr. soon. LOL

I hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog! I have never received a response and didn't know if it was okay with you!

With "Heaven Bound" blessings,
Kim Safina