Monday, August 17, 2009

Play dough and finger paints

I wish I had thought to take pictures this morning.  I was fortunate enough to watch a dear friends children - three of them - all younger than mine.  All of our children get along quite well and since I was trying to cater to the 2 year old I decided to make play dough and finger paints from scratch.  I set them up outside at a table on the grass and let them go at it.  They were laughing and creating and messy and free.  It was nice to take myself back there - if only for a morning - to the time of mothering a 2 year old.  The days of blocks and Sesame Street.  I have fond memories of these times in my own children's lives.  I don't desire to go back there except for the occasional babysitting day.  What I  can see - in my not too distant future - is the good times I hopefully will have as a grandmother - another joy I have yet to experience. 

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