Monday, October 5, 2009

The power of prayer and chicken soup

I woke up this morning at 5am to go teach a class and noticed that my throat was a bit sore. I came home and rested until my next class at 11:15. After this class I really started to go down hill - chills, aches, headache. By 5pm I didn't want to get off of the couch. All day I did everything I could think of to get over it quickly - lots of liquids, vitamin c, tea, gargled with salt water etc. At 5:30 I crawled into bed and decided I should pray. I typically don't pray about this kind of stuff and I always feel guilty praying for myself but decided that God should hear all of my concerns. In the middle of my prayer the phone rang and John answered it. It was my dear friend Joy - she was telling him that she left some chicken soup on our front door step for me. John brought me this steaming bowl of homemade chicken soup and at the first bite tears streamed down my face. This was by far the best chicken soup I have ever tasted - I could almost feel it heal me with every bite. God answered my prayer immediately through Joy. He assured me that he was there in my time of need. Joy answered his call - she could have ignored it (she has 3 young children and her husband was not around at the time) but she didn't - she went out of her way to make me chicken soup on the spot when she heard I wasn't feeling well. I have had WAY too many situations like this to ever have doubt about Gods existence. I would bet that most people have - maybe they don't want to pay attention to it or decide that their version of the truth is better - but time and again God lets me know he is a God of Love and we are all his children.

1 comment:

joy said...

i'm glad the soup was good for you. i consider it a privilege to make it for you :)