Monday, January 12, 2009

Word of the week

Pestiferous - bothersome, annoying, irritating. 

There was a very pestiferous little girl who attacked Julia today.  She pushed her and punched her in the nose.  Nice.  This is all coming from the 8 year old herself so the definition of "punching" might be open to interpretation.  She said she cried though and that is hard to do with her - she is a pretty tough cookie.  I will let you know how the drama plays out.


Suzanne said...

This makes me so sad. I am so sorry for Julia. Growing up shouldn't be so difficult and in this case so painful and ugly. I will pray for a better day for her tomorrow.

joy said...

Did this happen at school? Poor Julia! I will pray for her day as well.

Glenn said...

who would do this to sweet and adorable Julia..let me at 'em................
