Saturday, February 14, 2009


I find this particular emotion so fascinating.  It is fairly easy to describe sadness or anger and they seem to be quite singular in nature - but love is more intelligent.   Love has so many faces and presents itself in so many different ways.  

The romantic love evolves and moves and ages - but like a fine wine gets better.  You think initially that the waning of rapid heartbeat and euphoric high inevitably mean the end of excitement but actually it transforms into contentment - which is exponentially better.

The love for family begins so early, first for your parents and then siblings and extended family.  This love is overwhelmingly strong and the bond it creates is not easily broken.  Later the love for your own children presents a deeper level of commitment and loyalty and ache as this love carries responsibility.

Then there is love for God.  If you are lucky enough to experience this intense love it produces a willingness to succumb to it.  A need to relinquish control and the ability to trust far beyond your own comprehension. 

There is love for friends and pets and even love for those we don't know but hear about.  The levels are endless.  The physical responses are countless.  You can't touch it or hear it or see it - you can only feel it - and every human longs for it.  Like the best drug on earth.  I hope you are all helplessly addicted and your supply endless.  


Suzanne said...

Love you K!!!!

joy said...

dang, girl! you need to write a book of this stuff! you have such a way with words. i am addicted and my supply seems good. it helps to have such amazing friends right outside my door :)