Thursday, February 12, 2009


I have been putting off my taxes for a couple of weeks now.  It kind of hangs over my head from January 1st until April 15Th.  We always owe taxes so it is just a matter of how much we owe.  I think this year might be a doozy.   I guess there really isn't any hurry because we are not going to actually pay them early but I guess I should be prepared for when the time comes.  I did hear the other day that Uncle Sam will be passing out IOUs instead of real $$$ for those refunds.  Do you think they might take an IOU from us?  Say maybe redeemable in 2020?  Seems only fair to me.   Or maybe we should give them a hand and since we owe them and maybe they owe you - we should just pay you?  What do you think?


trulyjulie said...

or you could just not pay them and wait til something really important comes along like, say, Obama wants to appoint you as an ambassador or something. You can pay then! But only if they find out that you owe, of course. ha ha

; )

Tracey said...

Dreaded tax time... I hate it as well. I'm hoping to break even this year, but might be on the side of having to write a check. Crazy times when the government can't afford to pay you back the money you have "loaned" them.